Pre-School entrance next to the church
In 1964, the Diocese of Peoria purchased fourteen acres of land in Normal for a Catholic church and school to be built. Monsignor Bernard J. Sheedy of Holy Trinity in Bloomington launched a building fund campaign for one million dollars for three new schools: Epiphany, St. Clare and Holy Trinity. Epiphany Catholic School opened in the fall of 1964 for first through sixth grades with four Franciscan Sisters from Peoria and two lay teachers. Sister Mary Theresa was principal. Seventh grade was added the following year and eighth grade the next. In June of 1967, Epiphany graduated its first class of twenty-one students.
Epiphany Catholic School began with eight classrooms, a cafeteria, chapel, multi-purpose room and offices. A convent was built to accommodate eight nuns, and later a rectory was constructed at the east end of the fourteen acre complex. The convent and school were built first. The school’s cafeteria and gym were used as a chapel.
In the early 1980’s, kindergarten, four-year old preschool and three-year old preschool were added.
In 1997, construction was undertaken for school expansion. A computer lab, library, mulitpurpose room, and four new classrooms were added to the existing facilities.
In 1998, a Junior High building and offices were added as a stand-alone facility behind the original school. A new gymnasium (the Lyceum) was completed during the following school year.
In 2010, an Early Learning Center in honor of Kathryn Marie Albee was built on the grounds of the newly renovated church. This is where the Pre 3, Pre 4 and Pre K students are currently housed.
Blue Ribbon Logo
Epiphany Catholic School was one of 49 private schools nationwide to be named a U.S. 2011 National Blue Ribbon School. Congratulations to the faculty, staff, students, parents, priests and the entire parish community for their hard work and dedication. Epiphany was among the 304 schools to be honored at a conference and awards ceremony held in the nation's capital.
Blue Ribbon video