Extended Care Program for Epiphany Catholic School Students
Extended Care Logo
Before/Morning Care will be offered at the Kathryn Marie Albee Early Learning Center (KMAELC) and After Care in the K-5 building small gym for children in Kindergarten - 5th grade enrolled at Epiphany Catholic School. Mrs. Jennifer Kamradt (jennifer.kamradt@epiphanyschools.org) is the Director of KMAELC and the Coordinator of the Extended Care program for ECS. Contact her at any time with questions about this program!
After Care and Day Camps for K-8 students will be soon be coordinated by the K-8 building. Mrs. O’Connor, in the Parish Office will manage billing but staffing and specifics will be handled daily by Mrs. Kamradt.
Extended Care Program Details:
Morning Care
Morning care opens at 6:30 am; student drop off will be in the circle drive on the far west side of the church. Morning care staff will open the double doors for the student(s) to enter through. Students will be in the preschool gross motor room until they are walked over to the elementary school at 7:35 am. There are some activities on site, but students are able to bring things to occupy their time.
Cost: $5 per student per day
After Care
After care begins after the 3:15 pm dismissal. Students will go directly to the small gym when their teacher dismisses them. Students may eat a snack that they brought from home (snack will NOT be provided at this time). Tables will be out for students to work on homework or do something individually that they have brought from home (coloring, crafts, etc.). Weather permitting, students will play on the playground and will have all of their belongings there so parents may pick up at the playground. When students are inside, parents may park in the back parking lot and use the glass small gym door to enter for pick up.
Cost: $15 per student per day, $10 for each additional student
Students are allowed to bring toys/electronics/activities to do during morning care and after care. Please label any items brought from home so if lost, they are able to be returned. Students may bring a snack to have during after care. Snack is not provided during after care.
Extended Care charges appear every two weeks in your FACTS account for the previous two week’s attendance - you receive an email notification when the charge is posted. Extended Care charges will appear as “incidental billing” in your FACTS account. All charges will be paid online through your FACTS account. Extended Care costs for the upcoming school year are as follows:
Morning Care (6:30—7:55 am): $5 daily • After Care (3:25—5:30 pm): $15 daily